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Q.My Korean Spice Bush

Zone 49323 | Anonymous added on March 29, 2023 | Answered

My spice bush has not flowered, lots of buds… it is 2 years since i planted it..no flowers..is healthy and has grown in a good location. Do I need a pollinator to have it flower, if so and what is compatible?? I live in zone 5.. Does it need a few years to get established and flower?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 29, 2023

It blooms on old wood (buds develop the previous season), so if you have buds that don't bloom, they are getting nipped by late frosts as they are preparing to open. They are hardy to zone 4, but may need some winter protection, especially from cold winds. Make sure it isn't pruned till after it blooms.


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