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Iris Plants

Q.My Iris Isn’t Blooming

Zone 76017 | estar97 added on May 2, 2020 | Answered

Tall green healthy looking leaves but no blooms. I don’t exactly have a green thumb. lol This is a bulb/plant “baby” reproduced down through the years…The original bulb/plants came from my mom’s great grandmother’s house. It’s a yellow iris.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 3, 2020

Irises don't dependably bloom every year. The more prolific ones do, because they have a bigger stand of rhizomes. Iris need a sunny location and they like the top of their rhizomes just above the soil line to bask in the sun. Also, if left for years, they will get overcrowded and that will inhibit blooming. So will shade. Also, keep weeds and ground covers from creeping over them. About every 3 or 4 years, dig up your clumps and break off the sideshoots coming off the mother rhizome. Replant the offshoots and discard the mother rhizome. It won't bloom again.

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