Q.My in ground Lantana was not watered for 2 months. They are brown and dry. But I watered for 2 weeks and see a few green leaves. I
s there hope? I am a first time home buyer and just moved into my home less than a month ago.
I thought the front area was maintained by the HOA, but come to find out it is my responsibility. The buyer had shut off the water to the plants for 2 months and I didn’t find out I need to water for 2 weeks.
Anyway, the little shrubs look pretty close to dead. I watered with a hose every night for 2 weeks (then got the sprinkler system working) and now they have little new leaves sprouting. I think they are Lantana plants. I would like to know if I should cut back all the dead parts off? And how often and for how long do I need to water until they come back to life? Or is it a lost cause and I should dig them up and replace?
I live in Glendale, AZ
Thank you for your help! I pruned and watered as suggested. They all survived. I took a picture to show them in full bloom, but I guess you can post a pic on the replies. Thank you again for all your help! Much appreciated!
The new growth is promissing, although it may be minimal and you may end up with a considerable amount of deadwood.
I would keep up with the watering and give it some more time. In a month it should become obvious what portions leaf out and refoliate and which branches are dead. At that time you can prune out the dead portions, back to where the new green growth is coming out.