Q.My humpback whale hosta is tiny in its second year. Is that normal?
I planted my humpback whale hosta in mostly shade. All other hostas do well in this location. It has about 5 or six leaves and is about dinner plate size in circumference.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You would think with a name like that it would be gigantic by now. Hostas are typically slow growers and can take up to four years to mature, longer for the larger specimens. Is the soil rich and kept moist? Try adding some compost around the plant. It should be able to accept part shade to full shade so I don't think it is the location. Give it another season and if you don't see some growth, you might move it to a slightly brighter location. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/foliage/hosta/transplanting-hostas.htm