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Hosta Plant

Q.My Hosta Plants Did Not Grow a Stalk or Bloom This Year

Zone Pa... Northeast | Bearmasullo5 added on July 30, 2013 | Answered

What could be wrong? The leaves are very green and healthy. Maybe I should not cut them down in the fall. . . .

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 31, 2013

Your hosta could be refusing to bloom for several reasons.
1. Age. Some hosta can take up to 5 years to bloom.
2. Location. Hosta will bloom less when planted in deep shade.
3. Water. Hosta bloom less during and immediately after drought.
4. Variety. H. plantiginea usually won't bloom for 2-3 years after being moved. But, it's worth the wait.
5. Nutrients. If your soil has too much nitrogen, the plants will put most of their energy into foliage.

Don't worry about cutting them down. The first frost will take care of that for you!

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