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Honeysuckle Plants

Q.honeysuckle in pot

Zone Canton, Massachusetts | Anonymous added on October 8, 2016 | Answered

My Honeysuckle is in a pot and has done well all summer but now I want to know if I can plant it outside and when should I do that. I live in a condo and have a spot to put it but was wondering if it would winter inside in the same pot or if it needs to be outside?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 9, 2016

Yes, you can plant out the Honeysuckle now. Keep the plant watered up until the ground freezes to make sure the roots become established.

You can add 2 to 3 inches of hardwood mulch to help with moisture retention.

If you choose to winter it over in a pot, just keep it in a sheltered area. A garage works well for this. Check the soil every so often to make sure that it has not dried out completely.
A bit of water perhaps once a month, just enough to keep the soil from cracking.

Here are some links to help you.


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