Q.My Hibiscus Tree
I bought my Hibiscus tree early spring last year. It is about 5 feet tall and in a very large pot with great drainage . I had it outside on my deck.It bloomed constantly & I left it out until the first freeze warning, I live in Alabama. I brought it inside for the winter & kept it by a large window. I watered it very little and I like cool temps so my thermostat stays around 65 degrees in the winter. The leaves fell out slowly but the tree seemed fine. When the danger of frost was over I moved it back to the deck.It was beginning to sprout leaves. Now the leaves are full & beautiful again but it has not started to produce blooms. What should I do?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This will bloom when it is ready to do so. You can help a little by adding a little potassium phosphate, and giving it full sun for a few hours a day. Other than this, there is not much to be done.
This article will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/hibiscus/how-to-care-for-hibiscus-plants.htm