Q.My Hibiscus Has Limp, Dull Green Leaves
I think I may have overfertilized my hibiscus. I just bought it and read the tag which said to fertilize once a month. I used Miracle Grow-the strength for houseplants. I noticed later that it may already have a time-release fertilizer in it. (little green beads) The leaves are very limp and no longer dark green. Please help!
If you've only fertilized once, it probably hasn't been overfertilized. Hibiscus are heavy feeders, but a constant overfertilization will burn the roots. Has the plant been kept wet? If so, you've tried too hard. Let the plant dry slightly between waterings, then water thoroughly. If you've been keeping the plant on the dry side, let it soak overnight so the soilball can become rehydrated.