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Q.My Hellebore Flowers Are Straight Green

Zone Wexford, Pennsylvania | danberger@hotmail.com added on May 17, 2023 | Answered

I had a landscaper plant a ton of hellebores two or three years ago. I requested “fire and ice” which is supposed to be a white flower with red on the tips. Unfortunately, my flowers are all stock green. I thought maybe the first year was transplant shock but no real changes. I have TONS of flowers and the plants are growing like gangbusters! But only a few slightly pale flowers with over 90% being almost the color of the foliage. I get probably 6 hours direct sunlight at the most in summer, mostly partly shade.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 17, 2023

This is a normal process of the sepals as they age. If they are doing this as soon as they emerge, then I would suspect bacterial or fungal issues causing stress. I do notice a spot on one of your blooms.

You might try fungicides or sulfur. These articles will help:




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