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Gazania Plants

Q.My gazania flowers seem to all be dying

Zone 92691 | Mkriley8 added on April 30, 2017 | Answered

I’ve had my gazanias planted for about 3 weeks. The first week I watered every other day. Then I read they don’t need that much water so now I water them about once every 5 days. Most of the flowers look dead, even when the sun is out. I’m in SoCal so it’s hot. How much water and how often should I be watering them?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 1, 2017

It appears that you need to water more. Daily watering and even twice daily if the temperatures are above 80 degrees F. Though they are considered a drought tolerant plant, that is only after they are well established.

Soil should be well draining.

It appears you have pepper plants in the bed also, and the yellowing leaves indicate a watering issue. In this case it appears you need to water your beds more.

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