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Hibiscus Plants

Q.question about hibiscus

Zone 77092 | paulette hall added on January 6, 2017 | Answered

I live in Houston, Texas. I have several types of hibiscus in the ground. My question is, when it is fixing to freeze, do I need to cover these or just let them go? They are facing the north wind.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 6, 2017

This depends on the species of hibiscus you have. Hibiscus are generally divided into hardy and tropical varieties- hardy hibiscus will not mind a freeze, and can be kept outdoors without protection in USDA gardening zones 4 and above.

Tropical hibiscus plants are usually brought indoors in cooler regions, but many varieties can survive in zones 8 and 9 with protection. Parts of Houston are in zones 8b and 9a. Here is some advice on covering plants:



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