Q.My Garden Plans
I have an area in my yard that’s 30 feet wide and 12 feet long. I have grass there now, but it’s not nice. I want to have a flower garden there with a bench in it to enjoy the flowers, but I don’t know how to plan, design or what flowers to plant. I live in Zone 6 and want perennials.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Well, I can't tell you how to plan it because your garden should look like you want it to, but I can give you some tips.
First, visit your local plant nursery. They will sell perennials that are suitable for your area. Get an idea of what you like and the general shape of what you like.
Second, go home and take a picture of the area you plant on planting and print a few copies out on paper. Then draw what you would like the end result to look like. You don't need to be detailed, just a general sketch of the shapes and colors of what you would like where. Keep in mind the plants you liked and work their shapes in there too.
Third, prepare your flower bed. This article may be helpful:
Last, buy and plant the plants whose shapes follow your design.
Remember to give your plants some room to grow. The bed should look sparse the first year. And don't be afraid to move plants and tinker with the plan after the plants are in the ground. That is half the fun of gardening.