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Q.My Garden is Dying

Anonymous added on May 11, 2014 | Answered

We have quite a small garden with some trees, bushes and flowers. Two years ago our Damson tree didn’t get any leaves and blossoms anymore. Then last year the tree next to it, a pear tree, didn’t get any leaves anymore. And this year our two big rose bushes (I think it is Rosa canina) are completely dead. I had a closer look and I can’t see anything unusual at the pear tree and the roses. But the Damson tree has lots of little holes and the bark is falling off. Is it possible that the garden is infested by scolytus rugolosus? If so, what could we do?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 16, 2014

Is there any possibility that an herbicide has been used on a neighboring property, and is slowly washing through the ground on your property? The only way to find out what is going on is to have some serious soil sampling done, as well as samples of your dead plants, and others than are not suffering. Your biggest help here would be the local Extension Service, which will test and advise. This link will help you find the nearest office: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/extension-search/

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Answered on May 15, 2014

I would recommend you to consult any professional like gardening north shore. I've used their services . Their services are quite satisfying. For more details visit http://www.gardeningnorthside.com.au/

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