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Calathea Plant

Q.What is this plant

Zone Vietnames | trambi07 added on September 18, 2014 | Answered

My friend is planting this tree. I like it, but she didn’t know name. Can you tell me its name? Thank you very much!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 24, 2014

:) yub! same

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Answered on September 22, 2014

That could be also. Peacock plant is of the genus Calathea, which is very similar to Maranta.

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Answered on September 22, 2014

^^ thanks ! so.. somebody tell me this is peacock plant

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Answered on September 21, 2014

This looks like it might be a specie of Maranta, many of which are commonly grown as foliage houseplants. These are often called 'prayer plants', but the specie is known for the production of arrowroot. If your friend's plant is more of a tree than a small potted plant, it could be one used for agriculture rather than ornamental purposes. If you get in touch with a nearby botanical garden, they should be able to identify for you.

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