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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Spider plant

Zone Anderson California | rachelldonohue added on September 30, 2015 | Answered

My friend gave me a spiderette and at first it wasn’t doing so well, but then I put it in a bigger pot with great drainage and she took off. She grew like crazy and even became a Momma spider plant herself! But ever since the one spiderette she’s not produced anything new. She seems to have stopped all growth. Is there something I’m not doing, do I need to prune her back?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 30, 2015

Spider plants tend to produce more plantlets when they are rootbound, which will happen eventually as your plant engulfs its new pot. It will also help if the plant is a warm and well-lit location, is properly watered and perhaps even gets a little fertilizer.

For more information on spider plant care, please visit the following article:

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