Q.My First Year As Retired Teacher Gardner, I’ve Killed Most Of My I’ve Killed Most Of My Veggies Cucumbers , Broccoli, Spinach P
lanted 4 tomatoe plants too close.Why ? I read so much online advice that I was overwhelmed? What should I do next year? I’m down but not out .My husband and I did so much prep raised bed soil testing, books on gardening yet every week a funcus , insects Causes trouble.How do you do it right? So many different opinions on treatments and what to do.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Unfortunately, there is no straightforward answer outside of testing all issues at hand. What I DO see often is that, in preparation for a garden one might over-prep it. This includes making to soil too rich, and keeping the soil too wet. For fresh starts, the nutrient levels don' have to be very high. Once plants start actively growing, then you feed them as needed. Using compost tends to be a little more forgiving than chemical feeding. Wet soils create the perfect environment for disease, and the insects will spread them like crazy. Depending on the disease, treatment may or may not be possible. Fungicides are often a good start until you have the disease identified. As far as insects go- That is going to be a constant battle. I find myself chasing my tail often. The best that I can tell you is that it is important to identify the issue at hand, and treat according to a solid diagnosis.
Because there is so much to explain, and I couldn't possibly do it in this manner, I'll point you to this article. It will cover just about every basic that there is and very thoroughly.