Q.My FIG TREE Is Sick, Please Help.
Can anyone advise on what the problem is with my fig tree and how I can help it recover? It was transferred from it’s pot in March. I fertilized it and added a few of the fruit tree spikes at the waterline, as recommended. It seemed to be doing fine till about 2 weeks ago. I first noticed dark spots appearing so I applied an organic pesticide. Another week later the leaves have started turning yellow rather quickly. I’m in central FL and it’s getting pretty hot now so I keep it watered daily. This tree has a sentimental value so I really hate to lose it. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

P.S. The pesticide was an organic spray (Neem Oil).

Hi Carol, Pesticide was applied early morning. I typically water at 5 am (irrigation system). Occasionally I'll water in the early evening when it's not so hot. Today it's been raining off and on all day. Hope it's not over watering but the soil does dry out between waterings. I'm really concerned about the spots on the leaves.

May i ask what time of day you water and applied the pesticide (a liquid pesticide?)