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Fig Tree

Q.fig fruit is turning brown at the bottom and shriveling

Zone Yorkshire UK | limetree added on June 10, 2015 | Answered

My fig fruit is turning brown at the bottom and shriveling from the bottom as it ripens. Is it lacking in some chemical? Fig seems to be ripening but turning brown from nearly the bottom, the inside is developing normally from above the brown bit but looks dryish below. The leaves have little pin prick size bits of yellow; older leaves have bits of brown both on top and underneath. I look forward to hearing your diagnosis. Thank you. PF R

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 10, 2015

There can be a few reasons for Fig fruit to be dry.
Weather is a big factor.
Here are two great links that can help you identify this issues with your figs and the tree.



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