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Q.My ferns start turning brown in July and then die back?

Zone Kansas City MO Zone 6 | barbw added on April 10, 2019 | Answered

My ferns start turning brown in July and then die all the way back but return in spring? They are planted on the north side of my house and are gorgeous from April till June then they start turning brown and die back all the way, look pretty ugly too. They return every spring and they spread very aggressively even under the sidewalk to the other side of it. I keep them well watered. Do they die back from too much sun or heat? The angle of the sun in July gives them some direct sun for a short time.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 11, 2019

Yes, it sounds like they are getting too much sun.
Most Ferns thrive in shade or part shade. Morning sunshine with afternoon shade also is a good balance.

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