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Fig Tree

Q.my enemies are poisoning my plants. What is the antidote please?

Zone California | Anonymous added on September 9, 2019 | Answered

Shalom. Greetings. Peace.

My enemies poison my fig trees such that they do not grow new leaves and fruits. What poison do you think they use and what would be its antidote please?

I changed the soil but that did not help because they poisoned the new soil also.

It is very likely that they spray the branches and leaves with the poison.

Thank you very much.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 10, 2019

There is no antidote for general poisoning except good soil and water management to keep the trees as healthy as possible.

If you truly suspect trespassing and vandalism you should report it to the police. If a vandal is identified then you may be able to find out exactly what was used to poison your plants and soil.

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