Q.My Drummondii Maple Losing Variegation
We planted a Drummondii Maple tree about 10 years ago. We noticed a few years ago that 1 small branch came out with dark green leaves. We just thought that the dominant gene was coming out because the tree was stressed. Watered and fertilized faithfully ever since but this year a huge section is dark green. I have since learned that we should have pruned that smaller section back. How much of this tree can I prune without killing it? The dark green is about 25% of the growth. Thank you.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Here is more information on that: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/environmental/variegated-plant-problems.htm
"While the white edged leaves are generally stabile, this cultivar is known to revert to its original green color. If possible, it is advisable that gardeners remove the green leaved limbs otherwise they will take over the canopy as they grow more vigorously than the variegated branches.'' General rule of thumb is to not trim more than 30%. If taking all the green out will leave gaping holes, take as much as possible this year. Finish next year.