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Crepe Myrtle Trees

Q.crape myrtle is dripping sap

Zone california | hawgdawgs added on August 14, 2015 | Answered

My crape myrtle is dripping sap and won’t bloom anymore. What’s wrong with it and what do I do about it? I live in California and the trees are 20 years old. The sap is all over the ground and other plants.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 16, 2015

Crepe Myrtle as notorious for Aphids feeding on them.
The 'sap' is actually Honeydew, which is the residue from the insects feeding on the plant.

Treat with Neem Oil, you may need to treat on a regular basis to control the Aphids.

There could be a few reasons for the lack of blooms, the Aphids and stress are contributing factors.

Here are some links for you with more information.


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