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Crepe Myrtle Trees

Q.crape myrtle is bent over

Anonymous added on July 14, 2015 | Answered

My crape myrtle is bent over. Can I use bungee cords to help support it? We have had so much rain it is hurting my tree. Can I use bungee cords to try and pull together before it snaps and breaks? Thank you so much for you help!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 16, 2015

In most cases, the tree (as with other plants) will right itself. However, if you feel better by straightening it up, I would recommend using a small length of garden hose to run your cord through to prevent this from cutting into the tree or girdling it, which will eventually kill it. Make sure the stake you use to attach the cord or rope is sturdy enough to hold the weight too.

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