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Q.coral bush

Zone 21222 | Chrislong912 added on July 8, 2016 | Answered

I live in Baltimore, Maryland, and I recently purchased a coral bush/Jatropha multifida. It’s rather small and just a baby. It was shipped bare root and I’ve been told to start it in a one gallon pot and it will be fine during the summer, but the winters here might be too harsh. If I bring said plant in during the winter months and keep it indoors, how will it do under a grow light as opposed to traditional sunlight? I have a rather large basement so when it gets big I would have room but it wouldn’t get a spot with sunlight. I was wondering how it will fair with a grow light instead. If you have any ideas or additional info to help me start growing my plant please feel free to share.

Note: none of these pictures provided are my plants, although the baby trees look very similar to my current plants.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 10, 2016

Coral Bush is hardy in zones 10 to 12.
It is generally grown as an annual in cold climates.
You certainly can try wintering over with grow lights, though I have not found any success stories doing so with this warm loving plant.
Here is a link to refresh you on the care requirements.


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