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Q.My Columnar Segmented Cacti Had The Tip Broken Off, Will It Grow A New Tip?

Zone 93001 | Anonymous added on September 25, 2024 | Answered

I rooted a cutting of my night blooming columnar cactus, then planted it in my driveway planter. It was doing well there, until one day about two months ago I came home and it appeared to have been pushed over. It had fallen against my neighbor’s retaining wall. Its roots were exposed, the tip had broken off, as well as two very small pups which had started growing. I reset it in the ground and staked it on two sides to keep this from happening again. Since then two pups have quickly grown in what seems to be the same locations as the previous ones and the tip of the main cactus has scarred a bit. There appears to be a branch starting very close to the tip, but will the actual tip of the cactus ever grow again or will it remain a short stub? Enclosed is a photo of the parent plant as well as photos of the damaged plant. Thank you for your help!

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 26, 2024

It will grow up and around the damage but not directly out of the damaged end. When tips break off you can try to reattach them. Cut both ends so they are clean then set the two pieces together.

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