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Coffee Plants

Q.My coffee plant is growing nice glossy leaves, but they are all wilting and drooping

Zone Virginia, not sure of category | carlyn923 added on July 13, 2014 | Answered

My coffee plant is growing nice glossy leaves, but all the leaves are wilting and drooping. What can I do? The coffee plant was re-potted in the spring into a larger clay pot. It was placed on my front porch, where it was exposed to indirect lighting. Immediately after placing the plant on the porch, it started wilting, yet producing new leaves. The plant was kept on the porch last summer, and did well. I brought the plant in a few days ago, thinking the high summer temperatures were causing the problem. On a side note, this was my daughter’s plant. She passed away in 2010, and it is important to me to keep this plant alive.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 13, 2014

If the plant is in the same position as last year, when it had no problems, and the only change was repotting, that suggests that the wilting has to do with the repotting. The fact that it is still putting out new growth is a good sign. A couple of questions - when repotting, did you spread out the old roots so they could easily grow into the new soil, or did you leave them circling, as they were when you lifted from the old pot? If so, the roots may not be getting enough moisture -- make sure you pour water into the center of the plant, to thoroughly moisten the root ball. Secondly, did you use a pot only slightly larger than the preceding one? If not, if the new pot is too big, the soil will tend to stay too wet for too long (because there are no roots occupying it,) and the roots may start to rot. If you think the pot is too big, go ahead and pull up the plant and repot again into a smaller pot. If you think the roots are still circling, you can pull up the plant and straighten the roots, then repot it. This article has repotting information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/hpgen/learn-more-about-repotting-houseplants.htm
I think you can take the plant back to the poch -- the temperatures shouldn't be a problem. Here's more info on caring for coffee plants: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/coffee/growing-coffee-plants-indoors.htm

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