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Cherry Trees

Q.My Cherry Tree Is Diseased Should I Fell It?

Zone London TW76QD | Anonymous added on April 22, 2021 | Answered

If it is diseased will it have got into the surrounding soil? How is the best way to dispose of the tree? What can I treat the soil with?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 24, 2021

I'm sure the best answer depends upon what kind of disease the tree's had. If it's a bacterial canker of some sort, you will want to cut the tree down and dispose of it using large plastic bags. Your local disposal service will advise you about how to dispose of the tree.

If this disease is a serious one, replanting in the same soil would not be a good idea, and even after you've treated it, you'll want to get it tested by your local extension service before using that area again. I'm pasting a link to an article about solarizing your soil, but again, you'll need to know what disease you're dealing with before you can decide how to treat the soil. Your best bet is to contact a certified arborist.

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