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Banana Plant

Q.My cat has urinated in a plant; do I need to repot the plant?

Zone 60531 | Anonymous added on November 28, 2019 | Answered

My cat has been urinating in a large banana plant. Do I need to repot and change all the soil or can I flush it out by overwatering it several times? Any idea on how to get him to stop using the plant as a litter box?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 29, 2019

It should not be necessary to repot the plant based on that factor alone, although it is beneficial to repot and upsize the container with new potting soil every couple of years. From the photo this plant appears large for the available soil volume.

Flush the soil to leach excess salts from the urine as you suggest.

Our experts suggest placing a kitty litter tray or pile of sand somewhere in the vicinity. The cat will much prefer the sand to the potting soil, as long as the sand is not wet.

Another alternative, or to be used in combination, is commercial or homemade cat repellent in the plant container.



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