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Canna Lilies

Q.My Canna Bulbs Have Sprouted

Zone davenport ia | emmylou added on February 21, 2013 | Answered

My Canna bulbs have more than sprouted, they grew in the container. It’s still at least 2 months until I can plant them. What should I do to keep them alive, and prevent them from rotting?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 22, 2013

emmylou, please don't spray with herbicide as it may kill your canna's.
You said that the canna's grew in the container...this isn't a problem. Try to put them in a well lit place so they will be happy campers. We try to keep our canna's growing all winter in a cool greenhouse. If I didn't understand correcrtly and the canna bulbs aren't planted yet, pot them up. Put them in potting soil, give bright light and keep on the slightly dry side. Come mid to late May, they can be planted outside, and you will be ahead of the season.
The following article may help, and if you enter the word canna in the search window, links to other article will be available: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/bulbs/bgen/how-to-store-bulbs-that-have-sprouted.htm

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Answered on February 22, 2013

I would spray them with selective herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides. It cant hurt to put a remedy for root rot in the growing medium just in case something happens. Consider buying a grow light ($20) for it and grow indoors until the weather gets better. If you start it indoors, you will have a hardier plant to put outside and you will greatly increase their chances for survival. Do not just leave them somewhere and not check them for months. Good Luck and Happy Growing!


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