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Calla Lily Plants

Q.My calla Lily

Zone Atlanta, Ga | EricStevenson17 added on June 17, 2015 | Answered

I have a few calla lilies in a raised bed. 6 plants in total. Temps reached a high of 95 today. The bed gets about 3 to 4 hours of full sun daily. Last night I went out and cut about 12 flowers from the garden. (I have been doing this all summer. All the plants looked healthy and strong. Huge green leaves and flowers.) I went to work the next day and upon returning home, I noticed one of my callas had completely wilted, the leaves looked shriveled, had a slight yellowish tint, and some even popped right off. The largest of stalks didn’t break off, but I can tell they are close.

I haven’t dug to the bulb, as I wanted a little help before I did that. It’s odd because it was just the one plant. Any advice would be great.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 17, 2015

Hey, thanks for the quick response! First year growing a garden so I'm not sure what to look for.

This morning all the stalks had broken off overnight. I decided to dig it up. Put it inside a small pot with some fresh topsoil, and a layer of peat moss on top. I will allow it to dry for a few months, then begin watering.

All the roots are white and about 4-6 inches long, so that's a good sign.

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Answered on June 17, 2015

Your bulbs may be spent and now going dormant with no flowers to feed.
Also the very warm temperatures will speed along the dormancy.
Calla Lilies do love their sunshine 6 hours of sunshine is a good amount of sunlight.
Allow the leaves to die down before digging up you Calla bulbs if you are doing so.
Here is a link with more information.


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