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Bottle Brush Trees

Q.My bottle brush tree is getting tall and splindly. How do I get it to be fuller

Zone Lawtey Florida 32058 | Anonymous added on March 15, 2020 | Answered

I bought my bottle brush tree from WalMart when it was very small. It is now about 4′ tall and is not filling out. It is just growing straight up. How do I get it to fill out?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 15, 2020

Make sure it's getting enough sun because it may be reaching for more light. Also, you could try snipping off the new growth, as well as any leaves that may show up at the top of the blossoms, and see if that will cause it to branch out below. Instructions for light pruning are below:


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