Q.my blueberry plants leaves are turning dark brown and drying out!?!
We bought a beautiful blueberry plant with fruit already growing. It is on the side of the porch with lots of morning sun and then shade in hot times. it was doing great, but now the leaves are turning a dark brownish color and drying out! Please, advise! Thank you!
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Without pictures it would be hard to tell. Have you fed it with anything recently? Feeding with something NOT specifically for blueberries will cause burn, if you are not familiar with nutrient requirements of blueberries.
If you have not fed it recently, it could be a more sinister issue! Fungal infections will ravage a blueberry plant and kill it very quickly. This is usually caused by overwatering, or not letting the soil dry out completely between waterings.
Please include a photo to confirm, so that I don't recommend the wrong treatment. These can be sensitive to it is important to know exactly what is going on.