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Q.My beautiful front garden has been invaded by wild violets; invasive wild strawberries…need suggestions on something that will

Zone columbus OH 43229 zone 6 | Anonymous added on June 19, 2020 | Answered

grow big & impede the invasive weeds. Hired someone to pull out all the invasive stuff, applied mulch but the critters are creeping up again. Do have some daylilies & lavender, tulips in the spring, wondering about planting a lot of hostas & decorative grasses to impede the invasive stuff. Receives sun from 10am till evening. My body is getting too old to be out weeding all the time 🙁 If not hostas what perennials would you suggest? Do have a few mums that bloom in the fall, although lost a lot of them from the invasive weeds. WHERE did those weeds come from anyway? Didn’t have ’em last year! Considering moving a lot of my iris in the front garden also. Do have one peony bush, could put in another. ANYTHING to push out the invasive stuff. HELP! Thank you. BTW already on your email list.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 22, 2020

I've battled those weeds myself. If you can pull them all out, then use about 3 inches of mulch and then apply a garden weed preventer. They come in granules and you sprinkle it on top of the mulch. For plants, I wouldn't use hosta because they need more shade than you have. You mentioned ornamental grasses, they would help crowd out any weeds. Dwarf fountain grass is nice and drought tolerant. Little bluestem is also drought tolerant. Both prefer sun. Ruby grass has nice bluish foliage but it is not hardy in zone 6. You would have to replace it every year. Iris multiplies and makes a good ground cover, but you wouldn't want to mulch iris.

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