Q.My Basil Won\’t Stop Flowering?
Hello, I have an indoor basil and last year it started to flower. I started to pinch them off as soon as I noticed (maybe too late?), but it hasn’t stopped flowering since! I have tried to keep pinching them for a while, to give it less water, to cut it as much as I could (leaving just a couple of leaves per branch), to leave him flowering so hopefully after it would stop, but nothing works! How can I make it stop?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You can't. Once it matures, that is its only goal. In fact, that is the only reason that I have some of my basil, indoors, as perennials. They flower so profusely that you will always have some sort of show.
In culinary use, basil is grown as an annual, since it, quickly, reaches maturity for flowering. After this... It makes a nice ornamental that smells when you disturb it.