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Q.planting bare root rose bushes

Zone 5 | dkbraley1 added on April 4, 2015 | Answered

my bare root rose bushes arrived and the temps are in the 30’s and 40’s. Can they be safely planted outdoors or is it too cold for them to survive? They already have leaf growth in them.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 5, 2015

It is scary when this happens I know. Here is what I have done. I go ahead and plant them outside just like I normally would, however I put a Wall O Water protector around them being sure to pinch the tops shut so they look like a tee pee. The Wall O Water protectors are like mini greenhouses for the rosebushes. Here is a link to what I am talking about for you: http://www.planetnatural.com/product/wall-o-water-3-pack/

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