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Shrubs And Trees

Q.My backyard is on a busy, noisy street. What kind of evergreens would.be best to use as a noise barrier?

Zone 11787 | jdjjamk added on February 20, 2019 | Answered
A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 20, 2019

Your hardiness zone appears to be 7a. Choose shrubs/trees that are hardy to zone 6 or colder so you won't lose them in a severe winter. Do you have overhead power lines to consider when making your choice? Do you have the funds to create a berm of soil on which to plant? You can use smaller plants on a berm. To make recommendations, it is necessary to know how much sun the area gets and if you are willing to maintain evergreens as a hedge or prefer low/no maintenance. Popular options include holly and Emerald Green arborvitae, cultivars of which comes in different ultimate heights. Visit a local nursery for advice and options available locally. There may be local ordinances on height of fences and hedges so check with your local government or HOA first.

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