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Q.My Azalea Flowers Rot Before They Bloom What Can I Do

Zone eh26 9bh | Anonymous added on May 17, 2023 | Answered

some of the flowers come out but on the same branch the flower buds rot

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 17, 2023

While a watering issue (lack of water; waterlogged soil) can cause brown out, consider if this may be caused by a fungal infection called Petal Blight. If the petals show water soaked spots, it may be typically caused by Ovulinia azaleae Petal Blight/Ovulinia Petal Blight or sometimes by Botrytis cinerea. Petal blight is normally caused by an airborne fungus which over-winters on the spent flowers so consider discarding any spent flowers on the plants. Do not overwater. Water the soil only. Replace old mulch and replace with new in early spring. Clean sanitation practices and-or some fungicides can provide control; fungicides should be applied when or just before flower buds open. The best fungicides are a combination of chlorothalonil and benomyl or Mancozeb or Bayleton or triadimefon. More information on Ovulinia Petal Blight: https://www.azaleas.org/further-azalea-problems/#opb

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