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Azalea Plants

Q.My azalea looks like it is dying. This is first year and leaves are curling up and look dry since first of August. Is this normal?

Zone zip code is 55125 | bjstarck@comcast.net added on August 21, 2019 | Answered

Plant gets about 6 hrs of sun daily, and is watered daily by sprinkler system.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 21, 2019

It is very hard to say without seeing it, but I would have to guess that it has to do with being overwatered.

If this is on a daily sprinkler, regardless of how dry or wet the soil is at the time, then it will be watered when it is already wet. This will cause an infection and the symptoms that you are seeing.

You will want to let the ground dry down to at least 2 or 3 inches before watering again. This can help prevent infections.

I would also use a fungicide. This article will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/info/using-fungicides-in-garden.htm

You can also apply 1/3 cup of DOLOMITIC LIME and a Tablespoon of WETTABLE SULFUR. These two can help kill off an infection in the soil.

Sometimes, if this is direct sun, the plants can be a bit sensitive to full sun. If it has done well in the past, then it shouldn't be of much concern, but it can make them a little more susceptible to disease.

This article will help you to care for you plants: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/shrubs/azalea/azaleas-noteworthy-shrubs-for-any-garden.htm

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