Q.My Apricot Tree Is About 15 Years Old. It Had Some Fruit About 10 Years Ago. The Fruits All Dropped Midway Summer. Since Then, The
tree bore no fruit. It does blossom every Spring. But bore fruit. I fed it manure fruit sticks from nurseries for fruit tress, et c. Why no fruit? I also have a goji berry bearing no fruit. Should I just forget about growing my own fruit tree? Just go to a f ruit store and buy what I want. Probably will save lots of money and frustration. I am located in Toronto, Ontario Canada. The soil here is c;ay. The drainage where the tree is planted is good.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It sounds like the nutrients may be off, or the pH might be off. Fortunately, these things can be tested. Here are some articles that will help: