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Apricot Trees

Q.apricot trees never fruited

Zone South CA | Mirgo171 added on June 19, 2015 | Answered

My apricot trees never fruited since we bought it as a small tree about 8 years ago. Now it’s a big tree with plenty of branches and leaves. I have apricot, plums and peach trees for over 8 years and none of them are fruiting. We live in Newport Beach, CA where the weather is great. What can I do to get fruits? The gardener doesn’t put insecticide on them. What can we do to get fruits? What the best fertilizer we can use?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 21, 2015

Stone fruit trees need what is called chilling hours. Without the proper amount of chilling hours the trees will at best produce malformed fruit and, at worst, will not produce at all.

Since you live in a warm region, you need to select varieties that have very low chilling hour needs. If you know the varieties of the trees you have, I can tell you what kind of chilling hours they need. But I can say there are very few varieties that would have chilling hour needs low enough to do do well in your area.

Here is more information about chilling hours:

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