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Anthurium Plants

Q.My Anthurium

Anonymous added on February 20, 2017 | Answered

The leaves on my plant are light green with areas of brown dry spots. The flowers are a very pale orange color. I put 5 ice cubes on the plant each Thursday. Please advise on what to do. I also put it in a larger pot thinking the roots needed more room. I have fertilized it one time in 6 months. This is a houseplant.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 21, 2017

This sounds very much like a watering issue. The larger pot may be contributing to this problem.
You should check the soil to determine if it needs watering versus watering on a schedule.
I would trim away to spent flowers and any dean leaves. Allow the soil to dry before watering.

Here is a few great articles to refresh you on the care requirements.


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