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Alocasia Plants

Q.My alocasia has some leaves that have turned brown and curled up.

Zone New Bern NC 28562 | Anonymous added on January 7, 2020 | Answered

I cut the leaves off from the bottom.


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 7, 2020

Yes cutting off the dried leaves is appropriate. Alocasia does have a dormant period in the fall where leaves fade and die.

As for assessment of the reason for the leaf loss, it depends on how many leaves, what percentage of the plant foliage, and where on the plant the leaves have dried up.
If there is excessive leaf loss from the upper foliage, then there could be an issue with watering, too much or too little. Water deficit/drought stress can cause foliar dieback. Excessive water can cause root rot. Here are the basics of growing Alocasia to check its cultural needs.


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