Q.My African Mask plant has leaves that are curling
The plant appears to be healthy but the edges of the leaves are curling up. Can you tell me why? This is a houseplant.
Alocasia is a "houseplant," it's true, but it is not an easy one, as the article says. Nor is it a beginner's plant. If you're interested in getting into houseplants, some easier plants with interesting foliage are sanseveria, aglaonema, and dieffenbachia. After you've had some success with more adaptable plants, give the alocasia another try.
Alocasia's love heat, humidity and high light. Without plenty of each, you will see leaf edge burn. This article should help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/alocasia-plant/growing-african-mask-plant.htm