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Camellia Plants

Q.My 40 Year Plus Camellia Tree, The Leaves Are Going Yellow. We Pruned It Last Year And Other Years, Fed It But It Really Has Taken

Zone Cornwall, TR11 5SH | Anonymous added on May 28, 2022 | Answered

a turn for the worst The usual question! But we have tried several remedies and our lovely camellia tree seems to be having a really nasty turn this year and we just hope it is not dying. It is well over 40 years and bloomed well in the past. The last few years leaves have started to go yellow in patches. We have fed it with “camellia feed”, pruned it —- 3 to 4 years ago it seemed to enjoy a good prune but now it is turning yellow all over. Did not flower well this year but that could have been as we gently pruned it last year. Shall we cut it right back or any other thoughts? Many thanks. Jan R

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