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Tree Problems

Q.Can I save tree

Zone Paso Robles California, Central Coast | Anonymous added on May 10, 2016 | Answered

My 3 year old tree looks dead and some branches just break off. The base of the tree has good size leaves starting. Can I save the tree? I’m not sure what kind of tree it is, maybe a fruitless mulberry. I bought my place 3 years ago and the sellers just planted it. It never had a lot of leaves, 7 ft tall. This year no buds at all. The whole tree is dry and dead except now at base of tree it has two branches with healthy and 2-inch leaves. Can I save this tree?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 10, 2016

I would recommend giving your tree a scratch test per the guidelines in the following article: http://www.starkbros.com/growing-guide/article/how-to-do-a-scratch-test/ A scratch test will help determine if your tree is still alive. With a scratch test, "green is good" and means there is hope of recovery.

When you say there are branches at the base of tree, do you mean those which sprout from the ground or ones on the trunk of the tree? If they are sprouting from the ground they are suckers. A tree could still be dying or dead and produce suckers.

For more information on the care of mulberry trees, please visit the following link:

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