Q.Mushrooms in Lawn
The ‘usual’ reasons do not apply. Good drainage, no shade, no organic stuff on lawn. HELP!! Our lawn is the only one on our block that looks like this! I haven’t been able to talk to the gardener to see if any other of his customers have similar problems. What do you suggest?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Your mushrooms may be caused by a neighbor's yard. The mushrooms you see in your yard are the fruits of a mushroom fungus. These fungi have systems that can literally be miles wide, though in most cases they are a few yards wide. If your neighbor has a yard where mushrooms may flourish, it may be spilling over and fruiting in your yard. Think along the lines of an apple tree that they may have planted in their yard but whose branches and fruit fall into your yard.
Treat your yard with a fungicide to kill the branches that are in your yard. This may be enough to keep it from your yard in the future if the conditions in your yard are not favorable for mushroom growth.