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Muscadine Plants


Zone zone 7 NC | Paulapooh@aol.com added on June 11, 2016 | Answered

I have two muscadine grapevines that I started from seed about 4 years ago. They are growing beautifully and last year made little flowers as they are doing now.. but last year they never made grapes. I thought that maybe the vine I had gotten the seed from was not self-fertile so I bought a Late Fry earlier this year to help, but it only has one cluster of flowers so I don’t know if that will be enough to help out my older vines.

It’s hard to tell if what is on the vine is flowers or baby grapes. First time I have grown grapes. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks 🙂 Paula

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 12, 2016

It does take a few years for Muscadines to mature enough to produce fruit. As long as they are growing and maintaining a healthy structure you should see fruit soon. Here is an article about caring for your Muscadine vine;

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