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Orange Jasmine Trees

Q.Murray Paniculata

Zone 7708 | Anonymous added on May 5, 2019 | Answered

I think you need to review the above article where it says it requires protection from the sun. I have one that has grown *very* well in full sun for over 10 years and have seen any number in other people’s gardens doing just as well with no shade at all. Other references I have read on the Internet agree that it is a full sun bush.

Also they seem to do well in pretty much any type of ground, including clay, so I’m not so sure about the not liking wet roots part.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 6, 2019

That is wonderful that you have had such success with this plant in your garden; but we do stand by our article as this plant is recommended to grow in a partial sun location.


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