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Mugo Pine

Q.Mugho pine growth control by pruning out of season

Zone River Forest,IL zone 5 | Anonymous added on September 1, 2019 | Answered

If I want to keep my mugho pines a certain height so that my windows remain uncovered, I should prune them by removing the candles in late summer or fall, correct? I want to be sure that won’t kill them. I would also like to control their growth width-wise. They are already crowded. And is this really a permanent one-time pruning solution to control their size?
If I end up having to remove them must I dig out the roots or can I cut them level to the ground and replant something around the roots?
I live in zone 5. Western suburbs of Chicago.
Thank you!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 4, 2019

To keep the mugo pine a certain size, cut the mugo pine candles in half in springtime. And you will have to do that each spring. If you decide to take it out, you need to remove the roots or it may try to grow back.


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