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Q.Moving Roses

Zone 4506 | Anonymous added on August 10, 2017 | Answered

I have 10 roses in various sites around the house. They have been there for many years(we inherited them when we purchased the property). The previous owners had them flowering at different times of the year which meant we have roses year round, even during the current winter months.
We have now sold the house and will be moving end of October. We will be taking all the roses with us! They will require placing in pots (which may also be their bed for upto a year)
What is the best way to deal with this issue?
Thanks, cheers, Verne

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
David Wynne
Answered on August 10, 2017

Moving roses is not the easiest or most successful task in the garden. At least you will be moving them at the right time of the year. Take as much soil with the roots as possible and if necessary cram them into your pots. Water really well and keep in a sheltered spot, frost free if possible, outdoors. You will know if you have been successful if / when new shoots start to sprout in the spring, then feed with either a propriety feed specially for roses, or work in a small amount of WELL ROTTED manure. If the shoots do appear I would consider putting them in their final resting place as the soil warms up, again taking as much soil from the pot as possible, and again adding manure as before. If you get flowers in the first year you will have done well!

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